Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion Review

Earth Mama Baby lotion is a baby product I had to review. After going through so many chemical-based baby products, I’ve decided to finally give chemical-free baby products a try. My baby suffers from cold urticaria. Cold urticaria dries out skin and when my baby scratches her skin, you’ll see ugly rashes.

The trick with cold urticaria is to keep the skin well-moisturized. The problem is all the lotions that I have tried only worsened my baby’s condition. I researched about baby products and I was horrified that even baby products use so many chemicals. So I turned to chemical-free products.

Most of the best reviews for baby lotion out there is for Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion. I ordered one online at At first, I thought it was a little too expensive for baby lotion. Then again, if I have to buy medicine for my baby’s skin, I’d spend the same amount.

The Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion promises to soothe baby’s skin and rid it of diaper rash, skin allergies, and eczema. It does not contain any animal product and is manufactured cruelty-free so you can apply this lotion without feeling guilty that some animal was harmed in its making.

The ingredients in this product are organic rooibos and calendula. Rooibos may be familiar to you because you see this in herbal teas. Look at the ingredients for red tea and you’ll see that it has rooibos as a main ingredient. Rooibos is an African red bush and is said to have antioxidants. In Africa, it is used to treat babies for colic, asthma, and skin allergies.

The Earth Mama Angel Baby lotion has a delicate vanilla scent that’s not overpowering. This is great because I often get migraines from strong odors coming from cosmetics. I think the scent is characteristic of cosmetics made from all-natural products. Based on my research, your baby does not need any fragrance at all and the synthetic fragrance is one of the major causes of skin irritation.

When I applied this on my baby, I noticed how easily it was absorbed by my baby’s skin. It does not feel greasy at all. My baby’s skin felt silky and soft, the way I thought it should be. My baby did not break out in hives once I’ve applied it. This usually happens when I use baby lotion from the drugstore.

I couldn’t get how lovely the Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion is to my baby, so I tried applying it on my own skin. It smelled heavenly and left my skin soft and supple. I can’t get enough of this. Besides, when I put this on, I feel like I have my baby with me all the time.

I recommend Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion for those who have babies who have extra sensitive skin. Because it’s a chemical-free product, you’ll be less likely to introduce anything that might cause skin irritations. Although this might be more costly than ordinary baby lotions, you’ll spend less on ointments for your baby’s rashes. Plus, you won’t have to tear your hair out when you see your baby covered in eczema. With Earth Mama Angel Baby Lotion, you get more than what you pay for.
