Thursday, September 26, 2013

BPA Linked to Obesity

Unusual Cause of Obesity

Obesity plagues America.  Diets packed with unhealthy fats, sugars, and carbohydrates have lead to an increase in weight.  When this is combined with a sedentary lifestyle it really creates a dangerous combination, but recent studies have shown that there is another factor that could be contributing to obesity: BPA exposure.  This cheap chemical used in many plastic products has been tied to a number of health problems, and it could also be causing many Americans to be packing on the pounds at a faster rate.

Studies carried out at the University of Michigan found a link in the levels of BPA and phthalates in children's urine and the size of their waist and percentage of body fat.  Those with high levels of BPA and phthalates were more prone to obesity and larger waistlines.  This is troubling for a couple different reasons.  First of all, these chemicals can be found just about anywhere.  From the plastics you use, to the paper used for receipts, and even in dental fillings, BPA is ever present, and cutting it out of your life can be very difficult.  Next, this is just another thing that the public has to be concerned about.  Lifestyle choices are not solely to blame for poor health.  Companies using cheap chemicals to cut costs in the manufacturing processes are now contributing to obesity in America.  Of course, this isn't an excuse for poor health.

Personal responsibility is the primary factor in overall health, but there certainly needs to a change in manufacturing regulations.

If you're worried about the weight of you and your family you should make the proper dietary and exercise steps to fight weight gain, but you should also be familiar with BPA.  This dangerous chemical can be found just about everywhere, and studies have shown that it may be contributing to obesity in America.  

